Thursday, July 17, 2014

Provo to Nashville

It has been awhile since I shared with you.  On Friday, July 11th we headed out of Provo at about 4:30 pm.
We looked at those beautiful mountains and said goodbye.  We did see mountains again in Colorado, but after that we flat-lined.

These are our name badges which we wear ALWAYS.  Well, always in public.  They seem to be a magnet.  When we walk into a room all eyes seem to go to our nameplates.  It is quite funny.  If there is another LDS (Mormon) in the room they sometimes come and talk to us.  When we stayed in Grand Junction, CO, we had breakfast at the hotel with a delightful older couple.  Grandma Ruby Faye and Dennis (her husband) are from Preston Idaho.  They were in Colorado because they were going to a wedding of friends from Idaho who had to come to Colorado to wed because Colorado was the closest state that allowed 1st cousins to marry.  And we weren't even in the south yet.  Dennis is blind and Grandma Ruby was fully in charge.  They had served a mission in Peru.
We spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday in Colorado Springs with Susan and Bruce Crowther (Darryl's Sister and Brother in law).  We had such a good time it was hard to leave.  I think Susan is feeling better and things are looking up.  As we left on Monday morning, we had to come to a stop in the road so these ducks could cross.

We kept on and had a wonderful afternoon visit with Sam and Sarah Watkins in Augusta, Kansas.  It was so fun to see the best horse-shoer in Tucson who moved to Kansas.  Sarah was delightful and we had so much fun.  They have the biggest lawn to mow I have ever seen.

We stayed the night in Olathe Kansas in a hotel we will not be visiting again.  But it was midnight when we got there so we didn't notice much.  This changing time zones is the worst.

We have been re-introduced to the color green.  In order to miss St. Louis we cut South through Cape Girardeau.  Three points if you know what Cape Girardeau is known for.  We went through so many beautiful small towns that I could so live in.  But we went on.
You may not be able to read the sign I was forced to film at 80 miles an hour.  Do you think the driver was anxious?  So many wonderful pictures......such a speedy driver.  The sign says "KENTUCKY".  YEAH.
We had gone through Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, a little of Illinois, Kentucky, and finally on to Nashville.  We got here at about 7pm.

We spent the night in Nashville at a hotel that was just a few doors down from the one we stayed at in December.  We got up early, had breakfast and reported to the Tennessee Nashville Mission office.......but more about that in the next blog.

We miss everyone, but not the hot weather.  It has been delightfully mild in Tennessee.  It has been in the high 70s and 80s; but we won't speak too soon because it could get hot.

We are at the library uploading this thinking about how wonderful it will be when we have internet.  Then I will post again.  We really want to tell you about the small town we have been assigned to in Southern Tennessee.  Until then.....thank you for being our fiends.


  1. I am so glad you are keeping this blog. Olathe, KS. I've been to Olathe, KS. I stayed there a week and was in a good hotel though so I really enjoyed this town. Steve was there for an accounting job through Deloitte in January of 2013 and Jenna and I went so we could spend some time in Independence, MO and other LDS church sites in the area. A vacation I will never regret. Oh, and Olathe has a decent public library.

  2. Sam Watkins and Sarah!!! OMG i'm so glad you got to stop in and see them. Sammy was one of my favorite people, and you are correct one of the best horse shoers i've had the privilege to know.
    Ah yes the color green ....
    Looking forward to your next post :)

  3. I love reading your posts. I know you will love your mission. Paul and I just returned from a two year mission in the Family and Church History Mission. We loved every minute of it, we'll not every minute but, almost. It has the longest name for a mission and the most missionaries (1200). Love, Julie ( Thompson ) Eckel

  4. That was sort of mean to call us your "fiends," wasn't it? Your trip sounds great and I agree there are so many pretty little towns in the Midwest. LOL at your 1st cousins marrying comment.
